About Tito Alho
-Researcher, curious, adventurer and explorer of new experiences.
-He has done a lot of different activities, courses and workshops linked to the body and mind and various camps of knowledge.
-He has researched a lot about a lot of different therapies linked to the body, to the touch, massage and movement.
Habilitations and experience:
Bachelor and master degree in Sports and physical education in the exercise and well-being branch
Strutural, visceral and cranial osteopathy
Visceral Manipulation
Fascial techniques and fasciatherapy
Kinesiotaping/Neuro-muscular bandages
Dynamic neuromuscular Stabilization
Neurokinetic Therapy
Ido Portal - European Movement Meeting 2018
Massage and Manual therapist - since 2005 / 20 years
Contact improvisation - Since 2015 / 9 years
Hip Hop and variations - Since 2007 / 18 years
Personal Trainer - Since 2012 / 12 years
Tantra - since 2012 / 12 years
And others....
Regular Events
Monthly Events
Future Events
HolisticJourney day event - Coming Soon
HolisticJourney Retreat - Coming Soon